Aarhus University Seal

Creativity in Blended Interaction Spaces - CIBIS


Susanne Bødker

Professor Department of Computer Science

Peter Dalsgaard

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Kim Halskov

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Bo Christensen

Professor with special responsibilities, PhDCBS - Department of Marketing
P +4538152123


Professors and associate professors

Susanne Bødker

Professor Department of Computer Science

Peter Dalsgaard

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Kim Halskov

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Eve Hoggan

Associate Professor Department of Computer Science

Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose

Associate Professor Department of Computer Science

Bo Christensen

Professor with special responsibilities, PhDCBS - Department of Marketing
P +4538152123

Postdocs and assistant professors

Michael Mose Biskjær

Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Morten Friis-Olivarius

Postdoc, PhDCBS - Department of Marketing
P +4538152143

PhD students and research assistants

Sille Julie Jøhnk Abildgaard

Research AssistantCBS - Department of Marketing
P +4538153842



  • Christensen, B.T., Halskov, K. &. Klokmose, C.N. (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Christensen, B.T., Halskov, K, & Klokmose, C.N. 2020. The Properties of Sticky Notes for Collaborative Creativity: An Introduction.  In Christensen, B., Halskov, K, and Klokmose, C. N. (eds.): Sticky Creativity: Post-it Note™ Cognition, Computers, and Design. Academic Press, 2020.
  • Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K., & Klokmose, C.N. A Study of a Digital Sticky Note Design Environment. In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Fischel, A. and Halskov, K. A Framework for Sticky Note Information Management. In Christensen, B., Halskov, K, and Klokmose, C. Sticky Creativity: Post-it Note™ Cognition, Computers, and Design. Academic Press, 2020
  • Ball, J.L. & Christensen B.T. How Sticky Notes Support Cognitive and Socio-Cognitive Processes in the Generation and Exploration of Creative Ideas. In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Christensen B.T.  &  Friis-Olivarius, M. How do Initial Ideas Evolve into Final Ones? Exploring the Cognitive Size, Structure and Life of Ideas Using Sticky Notes.  In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Abildgaard, S.J.J. Sticky Ideas: A Qualitative Study of Idea Ownership During Brainstorming Sessions. In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Bødker, S., Hoggan, E., Jensen, M.M.,  Klokmose, C.N.,  Rädle, R, & Thiel, S. Digitizing Sticky Notes. In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.
  • Vermeulen, L.M. & Biskjaer, M.M. Off the Wall: Creative Use of Post-It Notes in Artistic Practice. In B. T. Christensen, K. Halskov, & C. N. Klokmose (Eds.), Sticky Creativity: Post-It Note Cognition, Computers, and Design. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2020.


  • Cramer-Petersen, C. L., Christensen, B. T., & Ahmed-Kristensen, S. (2019). Empirically Analysing Design Reasoning Patterns: Abductive-deductive Reasoning Patterns Dominate Design Idea Generation. Design Studies, 60, 39-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.destud.2018.10.001
  • Friis-Olivarius, M., & Christensen, B. T. (2019). Not Quite Equal Odds: Openness to Experience Moderates the Relation Between Quantity and Quality of Ideas in Divergent Production. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, [355]. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00355


  • Abildgaard, S. J. J., & Christensen, B. T. (2018). Cross-Cultural and User-Centered Design Thinking in a Global Organization: A Collaborative Case Analysis. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 3(4), 277-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.sheji.2018.02.003
  • Ball, L. J., & Christensen, B. (2018). Designing in the Wild. Design Studies, 57, 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.destud.2018.05.001
  • Ball, L. J., Threadgold, E., Marsh, J. E., & Christensen, B. T. (2018). The Effects of Stimulus Complexity and Conceptual Fluency on Aesthetic Judgments of Abstract Art: Evidence for a Default–interventionist Account. Metaphor and Symbol, 3(3), 235-252. DOI: 10.1080/10926488.2018.1481255
  • Christensen, B. T., & Abildgaard, S. J. J. (2018). Co-Located Team Designing: The Oscillation Between Individual and Social Processes. In C. Storni, K. Leahy, P. Lloyd, & E. Bohemia (Eds.), DRS2018 International Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3, pp. 1297-1313). Limerick: Design Research Society. Proceedings of DRS International Conference, Vol. 3
  • Christensen, B., & Abildgaard, S. J. J. (2018). The Oscillation between Individual and Social Designing in Co-located Student Teams. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2018.1557695
  • Christensen, B. T., & Ball, L. J. (2018). Fluctuating epistemic uncertainty in a design team as a metacognitive driver for creative cognitive processes.CoDesign, 14(2), 133-152. DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2017.1402060
  • Dove, G., Abildgaard, S. J. J., Biskjær, M. M., Hansen, N. B., Christensen, B., & Halskov, K. (2018). Grouping Notes Through Nodes: The Functions of Post-it Notes in Design Team Cognition. Design Studies, 57, 112-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.destud.2018.03.008
  • Halskov, K., & Christensen, B. (2018). Designing Across Cultures. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 14(2), 75-78. DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2018.1459101


  • Christensen, B., Abildgaard, S., 2017,Personal space in collaborative design”, Copenhagen Multimodality Day 2017, University of Copenhagen. Research abstract
  • Christensen, B., Abildgaard, S., 2017,Workshop Session: Sharing Video Data Across Disciplines”, BIG VIDEO SPRINT 2017, Aalborg University. Workshop abstract
  • Christensen, B., Abildgaard, S., 2017,Sharing Video Datasets in Design Research: The Case of DTRS11, REDO Cumulus Conference, Designskolen Kolding. Article in proceedings
  • Abildgaard, S., Christensen, B., 2017,Personal Space Invasion in Collaborative Design”, Learn x Design 2017 Conference. Article in proceedings
  • Christensen, B. T. & Ball, L. J., 2017, Fluctuating Epistemic Uncertainty in a Design Team as a Metacognitive Driver for Creative Cognitive Processes. In BT. Christensen , LJ Ball & Kim Halskov (eds) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. Leiden : C R C Press LLC, 2017.  pp 249-270.
  • Christensen, BT., 2017, The Need for New Methods to Study Embodied Designing. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation  3(2) 98-100.
  • Christensen, B  & Abildgaard, SJJ., 2017, Inside the DTRS11 Dataset : Background, Content, and Methodological Choices. In BT. Christensen , LJ Ball & Kim Halskov (eds) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-cultural Co-creation. Leiden : C R C Press LLC, 2017. pp. 19-40.



  • Baader, S. and S. Bødker (2015). SketchCode – An Extensible Code Editor for Crafting Software. End-User Development Vol. 9083 Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 211-216.
  • Biskjaer, Michael Mose; Dalsgaard, Peter; Halskov, Kim. 2015. Digitising an Analogue Design Ideation Method. 2015. Proceedings of ACM Creativity & Cognition 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  • Casakin, H., Ball, L. J., Christensen, B. T., & Badke-Schaub, P. G. (2015). How do Analogizing and Mental Simulation Influence Team Dynamics in Innovative Product Design. AIEDAM, 29(2), 173-183.
  • Christensen (2015). Iterations on a designerly science. In V. Svihla & R. Reeve (eds). Design as Scholarship: case studies from the learning sciences. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Christensen, B. T. & Ball, L. J. (2015). Dimensions of Creative Evaluation: Distinct Design and Reasoning Strategies for Aesthetic, Functional and Originality Judgments. In R. Adams, P. Buzzanell, & J. A. Siddiqui (eds). Analyzing Design Review Conversations. Purdue University Press.
  • Christensen, B. T., Kristensen, T., & Reber, R. (2015). Contributions of perceived creativity and beauty to willingness-to-pay for design products. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Vol3(3-4), 164-176.
  • Erz, A. & Christensen, B. T. (2015a). Can you say my name? Effects of phonological fluency on memory of nonword brand names. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behavior. *FAG Best Paper Award.
  • Klokmose, C. N., Eagan, J. R., Baader, S., Mackay, W., & Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2015, November). Webstrates: Shareable Dynamic Media. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology (UIST) (pp. 280-290). ACM.
  • Kristina Höök, Jeffrey Bardzell, Simon Bowen, Peter Dalsgaard, Stuart Reeves, and Annika Waern. 2015. Framing IxD knowledge. interactions 22, 6 (October 2015), 32-36


  • Christensen, B. T., & Ball, L. J. (2014). Studying Design Cognition in the Real World Using the 'In Vivo' Methodology. In P. Rodgers & J. Yee (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Design Research, pp 317-328. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Kim Halskov. 2014. Material Interactions with Tangible Tabletops: a Pragmatist Perspective. In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational (NordiCHI ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA.