Aarhus University Seal

Urban IxD

UrbanIxD is a two-year European project that will build a research network around the domain of data-rich urban environments, focusing on human activities, experiences, and behavior.

A transformation is taking place in the way our cities work. Cites are being covered with sensors and mobile technologies that generate a myriad of urban informatics experiences. A digital landscape overlays our physical world, and is expanding to offer ever-richer experiences. In the cities of the future, computing won’t just be with us, it will surround us, and use the context of our environment to empower us in more intuitive, yet powerful ways.

By employing a critical design methodology, the UrbanIxD project will provide an opportunity to rethink what intelligent, connected communities of the future might actually look like. UrbanIxD will question the premise of the “smart city”, and will develop a community of researchers with a shared commitment to foregrounding human experience in the field of Urban Interaction Design.

If you would like to be part of this community, and wish to shape this vision of the future city, then join the UrbanIxD network.