Aarhus University Seal

Skal jeg køre nu? (Drive now?)

In collaboration with Smart Aarhus and the City of Aarhus, CAVI has developed a smartphone app to showcase the potential of open data and real-time traffic sensor input.

In an attempt to improve traffic congestion and commute times, the app offers recommendations as to whether commuters should “drive now”. The simple yes/maybe/no tip is supplemented by projected travel time and likely delays, based on real-time traffic data from an extensive sensor network operated by the City of Aarhus.

In addition to the app itself, CAVI developed middleware and the software components for transferring the data from the closed sensor-network system to the open data platform in Aarhus, ODAA.dk. The data is currently hosted on a CKAN server at CAVI, which relays the data to the open data platform (ODAA) in the city.

The free “Drive Now?” iPhone app may be downloaded here

This work is part of ongoing research in the “Participatory Publics" at the Participatory IT Centre at Aarhus University. The project is also part of “AU Smart Cities”, which co-ordinates smart city activities across all the major departments of Aarhus University.