Aarhus University Seal

Gum Console

The gum console was a walk-up-and-use interactive console with the following components: a screen on which information about Gumlink, their products, and services was displayed; a narrow strip of matte glass under which a camera was connected to a computer; five boxes with color codes on their bases, each representing a service or product, which could be slid across the glass to navigate the information on the display. The console was placed at the entrance to the approximately 100m2 booth, at the world’s largest annual sweets convention, ISM (2006). The convention was held in Germany, and hosted more than 35,000 visitors. The purpose of the console was to attract visitors who might hesitate to engage in conversation with sales staff at the booth, but were nonetheless interested in getting to know the company. The console served as a portal between the exterior and interior of the booth.

The Gum Facade was another interactive project that was also presented at the ISM convention (2006). Both The Gum Facade and The Gum Console were collaborations between CAVI and Gumlink. The collaboration spanned a year, from initial field studies at the convention, through concept and product development, to the launch of the installations a year after the initial studies.