What did the past sound like?
A new project on the use of interactive sound in authentic buildings as part of the dissemination of cultural heritage
Velux Foundation has granted resources for the research project: Soundscapes in Authentic Buildings. In collaboration with Struer Museum, Museum Skanderborg and Museum Midtjylland, CAVI and Audiodesign has created a research project commencing in the fall of 2020. The project will develop methods for investigating and revealing sounds of the past in three authentic locations: The villa of the author Johannes Bucholtz, the second world war luftwaffe headquarters in Denmark, and a authentic farm house from the nineteen century. The sounds of the past will be carefully implemented in the museums as permanent soundinstallations as a result of this research project premiered in the fall of 2022. The project is related to but not part of a series of investigations of visitor-driven sound design going on in summer 2020.