Aarhus University Seal


Ink was presented at Aarhus public library from May until the end of June 2013. Ink is an interactive literary installation, where visitors at the library could create their own poems, alone or together with others, and bring them home printed on receipt paper, like the receipts you usually get at Danish libraries. In addition to this, the poems were also posted on a blog.

The Ink installation is a collaboration between CAVI, Digital Urban Living, The Roskilde Libraries, and The Public Libraries of Aarhus. The writer, Peter-Clement Woetmann, created the content from which the poems were composed, but the guests took on the challenge of having a crucial say in composing the actual results. The installation consisted of three real books used as tools for interacting with words and sentences floating around on a screen, reluctantly finding their way to a piece of virtual paper, helped by the interacting visitor. Finally, when the poem was complete, the familiar sound of the printer finalized the job.

Ink represents a totally new way of constructing literature, and it adds to the ongoing discussion of what it is to write and construct meaning. In a way, these poems seem very meaningful, and poetic, but are they actually the work of the interacting visitors, and if so, are they then collaborative work? Or is the work that of the author, Peter-Clement Woetmann, and the interaction designers? Raising important questions such as these is the underlying essence of Ink, and they are posed to the active user in a playful, challenging way.