Hesitation of Light
The light of the sunset converts into an iconic media façade.

On the 12th of January 2017, when the last sunlight slowly disappears in the suburbs of Aarhus, the Ringgade Bridge will illuminate, creating an echo of the sunset. Hesitation of Light is an art installation made by visual artist Signe Klejs.
The job for CAVI was to find the technical solution on the artist’s idea of converting the sunset into a light installation on Aarhus Ringgade Bridge. The installation consists of 180 lamps installed onto the bridge. Two cameras record every unique sunset. The recordings are then analysed by an algorithm, and at the time of twilight on the same day the bridge will light up in the set of colours extracted from the given evening’s sunset. The light reflects the sunset dynamically as it replays the progressing colours of the sky. The algorithm defines how the recordings from each sunset are transformed to a unique set of progressing colours. This transformation from recordings to a set of colours is seen on the photo to the left, where the software is tested on a video of a sunset at CAVI.
The installation is scheduled to be part of the bridge for the next six years. Hesitation of Light is part of CAVI’s engagement in Aarhus 2017 – European Capital of Culture through the strategic collaboration project TEKNE Digital art and digital experience.
Hesitation of Light is sponsored by Vilhelm Kiers Fond, Aarhus Kommune Aarhus Kulturhovedstad 2017, Den Selvejende Institution Godsbanen, TEKNE, CAVI and Aarhus University.